Here are our Monthly stats for October.
Our first month just on our own.
We covered lots of new territory.
It was expensive.
Purchased Lunches: 4
(pub lunch, burgers, Subway)
Restaurant Meals: 2
Although we did eat at the markets.
We used four different types of accomodation
- Staying with friends/family
- Caravan parks
- Free camps
- Other (Gemtree Station)
We free camped while travelling and seemed to use caravan parks when in the big towns, this also allowed us to use our air conditioner, do some washing, and charge our devices.
For comparison, here are our year-to-date stats:
Total spent $6,888.77 (over our budget)
$ per KM $1.06 (pretty much smack on budget)
- This month was all about kilometres, we covered some serious distance and the stats show this.
- Petrol was our major expense, We used a lot of 95 (lots of places didn't have 98), and this was still expensive.
- Many of our other expenses dropped which was to be expected.
- We stayed in caravan parks as we wanted/needed the power (and swimming pools), many of them were reasonably priced.
- Trips and events were also a bit larger than expected but we did splurge out on some trips (Yellow River cruise, jumping crocs, Royal Flying Doctor Service museum, etc.).
For comparison, here are our year-to-date stats:
Another blow out, but we did lots of k's, and $2500 on petrol doesn't help.
if you want to see how we spent all this money here is our
Google MyMaps version.
We have also covered a heap of distance in November and splurged out on some luxuries (wine, dining, etc.) so I expect another blow out.